Royal Gorge, Colorado Pictures my Dad took in 1949 10/31/20
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In the summer of 1949, when I was six years old, my family drove out to Colorado Springs to visit my grandparents. Among our stops was the Royal Gorge. We…
157 bridge over RoyalGorge They couldn't get me to cross over it - hey, I was only six! That's me with my Granddad. - Robert Graves (robertgraves) Viewed: 916…
151 Royal Gorge from top Looking down. If you were six, would you be scared? - Robert Graves (robertgraves) Viewed: 936 times.
158 lookout from bridge over RoyalGorge The lopokout from the bridge. - Robert Graves (robertgraves) Viewed: 1057 times.
155 bridge over RoyalGorge Looking down into the Gorge from the lookout. - Robert Graves (robertgraves) Viewed: 989 times.
154 cable car The funicular railway that runs down into the Gorge. That's my mother in the middle, with her mother next to her, and my sister holding on to the…
159 Royal Gorge from lookout Down in the Gorge. - Robert Graves (robertgraves) Viewed: 913 times.
150 train in Royal Gorge The Denver & Rio Grande runs through the Gorge. We were lucky enough to be there when a train went through. (More likely, my Granddad…
156 the station maybe I don't know what this is, but it was at the bottom of the Gorge. Part of the funicular station, maybe? - Robert Graves (robertgraves)…