Card Stock StructureMy first card stock structure. A steel shed. I did it just for an experiment. Changed: 11/11/11 Contains: 3 items. Viewed: 817 times.3 images Roundhouse18 images Misc12 images Same photo minus ceiling lights - Barb (barb) Viewed: 1047 times.Overall layout facing SE - Barb (barb) Viewed: 1063 times.Overall layout facing SW - Barb (barb) Viewed: 1057 times.Where the mountain turns on Level 2 and the AF sawmill - Barb (barb) Viewed: 1034 times.Level 2 logging operation - Barb (barb) Viewed: 967 times.Work never ends at the DF logging company - Barb (barb) Viewed: 956 times.Level 1 and 2 run AF S gauge, level 3 runs Gilbert HO and Level 4 runs an N gauge logging train - Barb (barb) Viewed: 980 times.Trees are all hand made from yarn on the upper levels and twine or sisal on the lower levels. - Barb (barb) Viewed: 1019 times.The lumberjack crew can warm their hands and feet by the flickering campfire - Barb (barb) Viewed: 916 times.Modeling Nov. 10, 1958 means all vehicles must be from that era. Not an easy task. This truck was custom made. - Barb (barb) Viewed: 778 times. UntitledLayout 07 2004