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All Aboard Sets Digest 150 to 1

Message 150

From: frilen2
Date: Mon Aug 13, 2001 10:55 pm
Subject: All Aboard on eBay

There are three sets of All Aboard panels currently listed on eBay.  Auction #1626389436 AF All Aboard 8 Panel Electric Train Layout $99.99 - Aug-18 16:53, This looks like a Pioneer 600 with two extra straights, but it does have a ranch house, two colonials and a barn, Train consist is a bit odd for a match to this set. The #1626784387 Westerner 600 Pikemaster Panels $30.00 - Aug-19 17:16 and auction #1626784629 Westerner 800 Pikemaster Panels $39.99 - Aug-19 17:17 are the same sets as previously listed last week---no winning bids. It looks like Marty & Larry Cohen re-listed at a lower starting bid, but didn't bother to correct the set names... FYI...Karl

Message 149

From: belairchevy
Date: Tue Aug 7, 2001 5:25 pm
Subject: Reproduction billboard stickers

Joes Train Repair has seven different stickers for the All Aboard billboards...Nash..Baby Ruth..Dupont Zerex..Kool-Aid..Silver Springs..General Tire and Fox Mart. I purchased several of each. Makes a nice variety on a larger layout. You can contact them at

Message 148

From: myflyertrains
Date: Tue Aug 7, 2001 10:41 am
Subject: Re: Another Obscure All Aboard Item?

I think someone said a while back that Joe's Train Repair had the reproduction billboard stickers. But it was also my understanding, that though these other billboards were pictured in advertising, that they were never actually sold to the public by Gilbert.

Message 147

From: frilen2
Date: Mon Aug 6, 2001 10:48 pm
Subject: Another Obscure All Aboard Item?

Greenberg's Volume II lists four different billboards with the early 1965 sets. They are as pictured in the catalog. One with people, one with a rowboat, one with an orange slice and one with a "Sprite" can. There is also a billboard shown just inside the cover of the x165-12 rev catalog that advertises a New Packard "Clipper" Has anyone been lucky enough to have come across any of these? I've only found the Auto Rama, Erector and All Aboard billboards. Dear Doug...Are repro's available from Portlines? Any information appreciated as always...Karl

Message 146

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon Aug 6, 2001 7:42 am
Subject: eBay Auctions 600, 800 & 1200 panel sets

Marty's Trains has eBay auctions running with each of the summer panel sets. 

Pioneer 600: 

Champion 800:

Westerner 1200:

Note that though he has the set number correct in the auction titles, he pretty much has the names mixed up. Like "Westerner 600", rather than the correct Pioneer 600.  The stated shipping charges are pretty low. I recently paid a small fortune to have a Westerner set shipped from Oregon to Florida. ($96.00!) I have had many All Aboard panel sets shipped to me and arrive in broken condition. The set from Oregon was shipped with each panel individually wrapped in the large bubble wrap, and then put in two boxes (12 panels of course). UPS ground on each box was $28.00, and the remainder was what I paid for all the shipping materials. It was worth it though, as the panels arrived damage free!

Message 145

From: svea1_2000
Date: Fri Aug 3, 2001 12:33 pm
Subject: Re: Found the Trees

Well I wasn't sure if I ended up extra pieces or was actually missing one. But I am still searching for the rest of the pieces to the set and maybe I can figure out which model I am supposed to have. Svea

Message 144

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu Aug 2, 2001 9:44 pm
Subject: Re: Found the Trees

Well, it sounds like you have an extra straight panel, but that is a good thing. If you can chase down one more straight panel, you can make a bigger layout!

Messages 143

From: svea1_2000
Date: Wed Aug 1, 2001 2:29 pm
Subject: Found the Trees

Well I found the trees to my set. I also counted the panels. I have a total of 9. 4 curved and 5 straight. So I either have one too many or one too few. I am posting a pic of the trees and will continue my treasure hunt in the train room for the rest of the set. Svea

Message 142

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jul 27, 2001 9:28 am
Subject: Pioneer 600 set auction

Panels, manual and maybe a bag of accessories? 

Message 141

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jul 27, 2001 12:12 am
Subject: Pikemaster Auction

This is not an All Aboard set but an interesting collection of Pikemaster equipment containing a couple of the harder to find cars. 

Message 140

From: belairchevy
Date: Thu Jul 26, 2001 11:21 pm
Subject: Re: You gota look--and the winner is----

Looks like the winner is stefengineer of our club! Congrats! Hope you will give us a report when you receive your panels. What a set!!!!!!

Message 139

From: myflyertrains
Date: Tue Jul 24, 2001 9:59 pm
Subject: Champion 800 Panels on eBay...

A set of Champion 800 panels, no accessories... 

Message 138

From: svea1_2000
Date: Sat Jul 21, 2001 5:50 am
Subject: Re: You gota look at this eBay auction!

I would love to have it. But my train room is overflowing now. Svea

Message 137

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jul 20, 2001 9:36 am
Subject: Re: You gota look at this eBay auction!

That's one heck of a layout. Looks like someone really expanded a Westerner set. Notice the brown colonial in the second picture? The car carrier also is an interesting piece. Might be a good "fixer upper".

Message 136

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jul 20, 2001 7:42 am
Subject: You gota look at this eBay auction!

BIG LOT OF ALL ABOARD ITEMS, PANELS, +, LOOK Item #1618719335< Would you believe 29 panels and accessories. If only I didn't already have 50 panels! 

Message 135

From: svea1_2000
Date: Wed Jul 18, 2001 4:04 pm
Subject: Re: New Member

Thanks Chuck for the welcome. Yes I took a look at Brad's web page and got a picture of what was supposed to go with the set. My train room is 20x30 and is jammed full of everything. So it will take me awhile to go thru the boxes to find what goes with what. Thanks for your help. Svea

Message 134

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed Jul 18, 2001 10:01 am
Subject: Pioneer 600 set on eBay...

Some stuff missing, and includes a couple Plasticville pieces... 

Message 133

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed Jul 18, 2001 9:26 am
Subject: Welcome trwalton1 to the club...

Let me be the first to welcome another new member who joined yesterday, trwalton1.  Make your self at home, and do look around at the links and photos, as well as the messages posted to the club over the past couple months. You have joined in time to still be considered a "charter member"! You are part of the elite group of American Flyer enthusiasts that see the potential and fun of All Aboard Sets, and the club is growing. 30 members! Who would have believed it. When we started this club I thought we might get a half a dozen or so! Chuck...

Message 132

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed Jul 18, 2001 9:05 am

The still "in print" book FAMOUS AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS by Paul C. Nelson has extensive coverage of All Aboard sets in it. Some of the best coverage I have seen in a book actually. There is an interesting statement on page 121 and I quote: " The #26122 scenic straight panel with the whistle has the modern house, with the attached rear garage rather than the colonial house referred to in the catalogs and pictured on the box." Interesting, no? The book has two complete pages on All Aboard Sets, with a black and white picture of a Winter Wonderland set, and a 2nd picture of the Winter Wonderland set's box. The author also talks about large All Aboard layouts he has seen, the largest being 11 x 20 feet and having over 100 panels! Chuck...

Message 131

From: myflyertrains
Date: Tue Jul 17, 2001 9:23 pm
Subject: Re: New Member

Welcome Svea to the All Aboard Sets club! If you need information regarding what items originally came with your set, may I recommend the web site which belongs to one of our members (Brad)...  will find this site to have a wealth of information about All Aboard railroading. Once Again, WELCOME! Chuck

Message 130

From: svea1_2000
Date: Tue Jul 17, 2001 3:27 pm
Subject: New Member

  Hi, New member as of today.  Have one set of the scenic panels. Now trying to match up all the parts that went with it. Have quite an extensive collection of trains and train memorabelia.  Look forward to talking with you. Svea

Message 129

From: frilen2
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2001 9:24 pm
Subject: Re: New photos in PV1701 on panel Album

Hi all Thanks to all of you for your kind remarks.  As I had said this was just a first attempt at an "L" house wannabe. I wanted to use as much of the original New England ranch as possible, the missing portion of the chimney is a resin casting of the complete front edge of the chimney, then flipped upside down and trimmed to fit the missing area. The trellis is a portion of an all aboard billboard as Chuck had proposed. I've posted a picture of the back wall of the house. Overall I'm satisfied with the front, left, and back of this house. The results on the right (chimney side) are not close enough to the original. I believe that I have a better solution, that would also provide a properly tapered chimney, although the proper trellis is still a mystery. I'll keep you updated as version 2 takes shape.  Thanks again...Karl

Message 128

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat Jul 14, 2001 6:21 pm
Subject: Website additions

I have added scans of the AF 1965 and 1966 catalogs to my All Aboard website. The rear cover of the 66 catalog shows the Winter Wonderland set. Please go to 

Message 127

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat Jul 14, 2001 4:07 pm
Subject: Plastic Village Gazette

In the next issue of the Plastic Village Gazette will be an article on the All Aboard houses. You can check it out at: 

Message 126

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat Jul 14, 2001 8:16 am
Subject: Re: Just an Idea...

Going to the Train Collectors Train Show" in New Haven and the ACG factory visit is a great idea and has been mentioned before. Unfortunately we have not been able to find anyone to volunteer to do it. I am in Florida, and would like to attend, but my wife has her high school reunion the same weekend in Detroit, so I will be unable to attend this year.

Message 125

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat Jul 14, 2001 8:09 am
Subject: Complete 600 set accessories on eBay...

This auction I found today has a complete set of accessories for a 600 set. The only thing I see missing is the log fencing and part of the plasticville trees... 

Message 124

From: portlines
Date: Fri Jul 13, 2001 9:23 am
Subject: Re: Just an Idea...

Several of these former ACG employees are present each year at the "Train Collectors Train Show" in New Haven. This show is run by John and Robin Vanacore, and they do an outstanding job. The show is on Sunday (August 19th this year), but Saturday always includes a tour of the old factory, a show-&-tell, visits with former employees, etc. It's a great take, for anyone who can make it. Some of the well-known names in S come every year, including Andy Jugle, Bob Bubeck, etc. Doug Peck Port Lines Hobby Supplies 6 Storeybrooke Drive Newburyport, MA 01950-3408 Shop hours: Weekday evenings: 7 PM - 9:30 PM EST 978-465-8798 1-888-708-0782 (Toll-free; Orders only, please).

Message 123

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jul 13, 2001 9:17 am
Subject: Just an Idea...

I recently purchased another copy of a reprint of some of the A.C. Gilbert company newsletters. It gave me an idea... Since A.C. Gilbert company went out of business in 1967, that would be about 34 years ago. If you were say a worker there and 30 years old, you would only be 64 years old right now! Where are these people? Maybe we could start a search for former employees of Gilbert, and find someone that perhaps could give us the real story of the L shaped house, first hand... Unfortunately the reprint of the newsletters is from 1954 or there abouts, so that won't be of much help, but I would think the Internet could be used as a resource to track some of these people down. What do you think? Chuck...

Message 122

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jul 13, 2001 8:58 am
Subject: The EXCITEMENT of All Aboard Railroading.

I wonder if other AF train folks feel the excitement I do over this All Aboard stuff? I got home from work last night at nearly midnight local time, and found Karl's pictures of his kitbashed Plasticville All Aboard house. It made my day for sure and brought a big smile to my face!  The replication of the ultra rare L shaped house has been a major topic here in the All Aboard Club, and in fact Karl's interest in the subject was the actual spark that led to the forming of the club. Where this is all going to lead I have no idea, but I for one am having a lot of fun getting there, and after all that is the whole purpose of Toy Trains anyway. < I have changed the club picture to one of Karl's photos. I am going to start changing this picture frequently. Partly, so we can all look at something different, and partly to show non-members a photo that better represents the activities of club members. (non members can not view the PHOTOs areas). I would like to also take this opportunity to welcome our 27th member to the club, emily_lacque. I hope you enjoy the club! Thanks everyone! Chuck

Message 121

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jul 13, 2001 12:00 am
Subject: Re: New photos in PV1701 on panel Album

Karl....That house is excellent! How did you do the chimney end? Did you try it on the whistle panel to see if it will fit over the whistle motor? Finally we have the "L" house.....really nice job Karl....Brad

Message 120

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu Jul 12, 2001 10:00 pm
Subject: Re: New photos in PV1701 on panel Album

REALLY NEAT!!! How did you fill in the missing portions of the Chimney. How about another picture of the back side of the house where the garage door is? This is really neat. I am going to have to get going on completing my own house!

Message 119

From: frilen2
Date: Thu Jul 12, 2001 9:45 pm
Subject: New photos in PV1701 on panel Album

  There are new photos posted in the PV1701 Album... First attempt at an L shaped house wannabe. Karl

Message 118

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed Jul 11, 2001 9:39 am
Subject: Regarding

When All Aboard stuff was brought out by Gilbert, I was in High School and my interests had turned to HAM Radio and other things... So, I never had All Aboard as a kid, or even remember seeing any. When I got back into the hobby 2+ years ago, I was not very impressed with Pike Master trucks, particularly the fact that they were all plastic, and the design of the couplers. Today, Pike Master rolling stock is nearly all I buy! I have found out that I was wrong. Cars with these truck roll real easy, and you can have a longer train than you can with stock 900 series trucks. Also, pikemaster cars stay coupled together when you run the train, which is a real plus! They are great if you are not into automatic uncoupling operations. Regarding the panels, I had one objection to them; pike master track. For me, I have solved that by switching them to Gargraves, and the result I love. Lets see, the guys who look down their nose at All Aboard layouts are running their trains on green painted plywood, right? To each his own!

Message 117

From: belairchevy
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2001 8:03 pm
Subject: I posted this on s-list

In response a post on s-list that called the last of the AF line "junk" I sent the following: From: Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2001, 8:48pm To: Subject: Re: 60's Flyer...was it junk? I was 10 years old in 1965 and the first train set I got was an All Aboard set. Over the next few years that poor old set got quite a workout, had a couple of switch panels added to it, and an upgraded 21168 smoke and choo choo locomotive. Was it junk?...Not to me or my brother. In fact several kids in the old neighborhood had them. The train set was around until the early 1980's when my mom cleaned out the basement and sent the trains, slotcars, G.I.Joes, baseball cards etc. to the Goodwill! About 1995 I decided to try and replace the old All Aboard set and ended up with all kinds of All Aboard stuff. Is it junk? Maybe to you but not to me. Lots of neat memories are associated with it. Pikemaster and All Aboard may not be the most popular of the AF line to collect, but they have their place. There is a nice Pikemaster/All Aboard group on Yahoo at:   Bradley D. Eggeman Denver, Colorado

Message 116

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2001 6:03 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories survey

Streetlights, stop signs, and long picket fence sections for $2.00 each sounds good to me. Where do I order? Seems very reasonable. Could S Helper Service make them for you?

Message 115

From: frilen2
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2001 5:55 pm
Subject: Re: Doug's Survey

  Doug... You have my vote. $2 a piece would be reasonable price, for those items...How about the small trees? Those always appeared to be good candidates for resin reproductions...Please keep us posted. Karl

Message 114

From: portlines
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2001 9:41 am
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

You are correct about the RR Xngs at HSS, although who knows how much longer they will have them in stock. They've run out of most all the other parts they used to have. I AM still looking into the 3 parts you mentioned; I'll move this project back onto the front burner. My first choice is injection production overseas, and I've already (today) made another inquiry about this. Hopefully I'll have an answer before too long. You're right about injection costs in US....totally out-of-sight unless you want about 100,000 of something! SURVEY: As a point of interest, assuming these 3 parts (streetlight, long picket fence, and stop sign) could be made available in injected white plastic form (probably with the appropriate silver or red paint applied.....BUT for now, let's assume NOT.....Assume you would have to do that yourself), for no more than $2.00 per item..... is that reasonable and marketable ?????? Will keep everyone informed. (BTW...this isn't All Aboard related, but we have just announced exclusive production of a very colorful Brookside Milk wood-sided reefer, for delivery this fall. Info available on our website.) Doug Peck Port Lines Hobby Supplies 6 Storeybrooke Drive Newburyport, MA 01950-3408 Shop hours: Weekday evenings: 7 PM - 9:30 PM EST 978-465-8798<br>1-888-708-0782 (Toll-free; Orders only, please).

Message 113

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2001 9:21 am
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

Doug....Anything you can reproduce for All Aboard is great. There is a real need for the streetlights, stop signs and long picket fence pieces. At one time I checked with an injection mold outfit here in Denver to see about having streetlights reproduced. Would have required a second mortgage on my house! The expense is in the actual creation of the mold. Is it possible that the original molds still survive at Lionel or Plasticville and could be used for a special production run of the parts? I honestly believe there is more of a market for this stuff than you would think. Lots of panels out there with no scenery to go on them and to a certain extent that's what inhibits the growth of All Aboard as collectable....Brad

Message 112

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2001 7:38 am
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

Doug, Doesn't Hobby Surplus still sell the RR Xngs, and quite cheap at that?

Message 111

From: portlines
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2001 7:06 am
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

I actually went a little higher than that, but the $113 (+sh !) was a bit of a surprise. I AM working on reproducing four of the panel items----streetlights, stop signs, long picket fence, and RR Xngs. The problem is that injection is out of sight, although overseas is still in the realm of possibility. More likely to be resin castings which would then have to be painted (by the user, not by me!) Reaction to that??????? Doug Peck Port Lines Hobby Supplies 6 Storeybrooke Drive Newburyport, MA 01950-3408 Shop hours: Weekday evenings: 7 PM - 9:30 PM EST 978-465-8798<br>1-888-708-0782 (Toll-free; Orders only, please)

Message 110

From: belairchevy
Date: Thu Jul 5, 2001 11:23 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

It surprised me too. I went up to $60 and dropped out. Too bad someone doesn't reproduce the scenic items for All Aboard. Last week I won a bid on a Plasticville Church and an All Aboard colonial house. Turns out the seller had an extra colonial which he sent along for free. Got it all for $17. Sometimes you get lucky I guess.

Message 109

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu Jul 5, 2001 7:41 am
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

It does seem like the price of All Aboard stuff on eBay is holding up quite well this summer. The price of this auction surprised me.<br><br>Here is another auction to watch: 

Message 108

From: frilen2
Date: Wed Jul 4, 2001 8:23 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

It ended at $113.00. Quite a race at the end to get in the final bid.... I guess the value of these items is increasing.

Message 107

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sun Jul 1, 2001 6:40 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard accessories on eBay

Corrected url... 

Message 106

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sun Jul 1, 2001 6:38 pm
Subject: All Aboard accessories on eBay

OK, here is another auction on eBay. This one is for just about a complete set of accessories for a 600 set, except no houses... 

Message 105

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat Jun 30, 2001 10:14 pm
Subject: Plasticville Cape Cod Houses

Just for the heck of it I purchased a couple of Plasticville Cape Cod Houses to see how they would fit on the straight panels. They measure about 4x5 inches and sit perfectly in the mounting area. A little careful positioning covers the holes in the panels. The roof height is about the same as the colonial house. I guess if there is a drawback it's that the Cape Cod has no garage. I purchased four older Cape Cods off eBay, however I believe they are still available new. There was also a Plasticville Bungalow that looked like it might fit. My knowledge of Plasticville is pretty limited but looks to me like many of the smaller accessories...wishing well, footbridge, gazebo, etc. could be used on the panels......Brad

Message 104

From: frilen2
Date: Sat Jun 30, 2001 9:12 pm
Subject: Message Drought

OK!....1 week and no new messages???? Every body can't be on vacation at the same time. Thank you Brad for the info on the Plasticville Trees reissue, that one got past me somehow. I finally tracked down a couple of sets at a suburban Chicago train shop. They look great.. I also picked up a split level house kit. I suspect that may be the source of the tapered chimney on the "L" house...Karl

Message 103

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat Jun 23, 2001 10:28 pm
Subject: Westerner Set!

I won a Westerner set (panels only) on eBay Saturday. My wife found this auction almost hidden in the Trains-&gt;General group, as it did not say anything about American Flyer, All Aboard or anything else likely in its title. Hurray, I finally got a crossover panel!!! That has been hard to come by, and my layout needs it. But now I am up to 51 panels. Is this getting a little out of hand? Do I need professional help perhaps?

Message 102

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jun 22, 2001 9:11 am
Subject: Re: 1966 T-166-6 catalog

Karl...I will have to have a friend scan them for me. Then I will post them....Brad

Message 101

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jun 22, 2001 7:15 am
Subject: All Aboard Humor - eBay / Hobby Surplus

Ok guys, you have to look at this one! I think the value of All Aboard stuff is increasing. :-)   In case any club members need one of these rare manuals, you can purchase them from Hobby Surplus for $8.00 in mint condition. You will find the link in the Links section under OUR PAGES. Hobby Surplus also has many other All Aboard items, such as RR crossing signs, ranch houses, billboards, and other original parts for All Aboard.

Message 100

From: frilen2
Date: Thu Jun 21, 2001 4:26 pm
Subject: Re: 1966 T-166-6 catalog

Hi Brad Any chance of adding some of these pictures to the Club Photo section?...Karl

Message 99

From: belairchevy
Date: Wed Jun 20, 2001 8:58 pm
Subject: 1966 T-166-6 catalog

Just received a nice AF 1966 dealer catalog. Shows all three regular All Aboard sets and the rear cover shows the Winter Wonderland Set all in color! It's interesting to note that the 1965 dealer catalog photos show the "L" house in the six and eight panel sets. All photos in the 1966 catalog show the regular colonial house. Another interesting feature is the James Bond Scenic Panel Race sets shown in three different versions. A very interesting catalog.......Brad

Message 98

From: fkopetz2000
Date: Wed Jun 20, 2001 5:11 pm
Subject: Re: unopened 800

Well.... Maybe it's better, given the seller's record, that I didn't get that set. I used some of the money and got something else instead...we shall see what comes up some other time. Regards.... Frederick P. Kopetz
Message 97

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed Jun 20, 2001 10:24 am
Subject: Re: unopened 800

This high bid surprised me, but a similar set sold on eBay on April 2nd for $450.00, and it was used, though "used very little". If you care to look at the auction before eBay drops it from the database... I had no problem with the 567 price, but will the winner ever see his set? The seller was a zero feedback with glasses, whose ID goes all the way back to June 5th of this year! This seller was a total unknown quanity, and after being a eBay user for over 2 years, I was afraid of this, and this was the reason I did not bid on either of his auctions. The seller also wanted only a cashiers check or money order as payment. I felt it was too risky for me...

Message 96

From: david_garber2000
Date: Tue Jun 19, 2001 6:38 pm
Subject: unopened 800

wowwwww 567+++++ how much is it worth after you open it??? Message 95

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon Jun 18, 2001 8:42 pm
Subject: Re: My New Champion 800 ? (I hope...)

So you are the one! I have been watching this auction as well, but have pretty much decided not to bid. You have been in quite a bidding war today with another fellow! I was a little concerned about the seller. A zero with glasses who has been an eBay member since something like June 6. But I wish you good luck! May another virgin Champion 800 set find a home with a fellow club member!

Message 94

From: fkopetz2000
Date: Mon Jun 18, 2001 7:30 pm
Subject: My New Champion 800 ? (I hope...)

I posted a while back that I was hoping to get a Champion 800 set like my boyhood AF set. Have bid on one of the ones on eBay...just a few hours to go...I hope I win it.... It would be so cool if I won it and when it arrived, I opened it and took a trip in time back to Christmas 1965 when my parents
opened my set and put it together and let me help (being just three then) If this works out...can do it myself this time...if I win this set, it WILL be run! No doubts. Hoping to smell more Flyer smoke soon... Fred K.

Message 93

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat Jun 16, 2001 9:58 am
Subject: Whistle panel house

Group....had an interesting call from Bill at Pufferbellys last night. He has a mint in the box whistle panel (not for sale) and was inquiring about the "L" house. While we were talking he opened the box and unwrapped the house and it was the regular colonial house not the "L". The outside of the box shows the "L" and the wording on the box says colonial which the "L" house is also known as, but inside, the regular colonial! AHHHHHHHHHH! Thought sure we had found one but the search goes on......Brad

Message 92

From: belairchevy
Date: Thu Jun 14, 2001 11:50 pm
Subject: Re: Champion 800/Commercial pics

O.K. looks like I will run the Champion 800. I really liked the save it until December 25th idea though. Christmas day in 1965 was when my brother and I got a Pioneer 600 and an Aurora HO slot car set. Hit the jackpot that year! About the TV Commercial pictures...I use Webtv which has a feature called video capture. I hook up my video camera to the Webtv and play the tape "freezing" the picture at the desired spot. The picture is then transfered over to file manager at Geocities. You can also do the same thing with short audio clips (wav). That is how I did the All Aboard wav on my webpage.....Brad

Message 91

From: frilen2
Date: Wed Jun 13, 2001 10:47 pm
Subject: Re: Champion 800 has arrived!

By the way I vote with Chuck ...RUN IT Or, better yet, Wrap it up, put away until December 25th., and then be REALLY SURPRISED at what Santa left for you.....mainly have as much fun with it as possible, how often will an opportunity like that come along
again...ENJOY!!!!!! Karl

Message 90

From: frilen2
Date: Wed Jun 13, 2001 10:40 pm
Subject: Re: Snow Mountains

Hi Brad The video is "Classic TV Train Commercials of the 50's and 60's" by Alpha Video Distributors, Most is B&W but a portion on the All Aboard Sets and Game train is in color. ...and I got it on Ebay...where else? Now you have to share how you clipped the video images for your website...they look great in B&W too. ...Karl

Message 89

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed Jun 13, 2001 7:16 am
Subject: Re: Champion 800 has arrived!

Brad, Enjoy your new set! If you did not run it, who would you be saving it for? The next generation does not care anything about toy trains, and I have often told my wife that the last boomer that dies is going to have a heck of a train collection! Because of this, the prices of our trains will probably plummet at some point as well. So there is probably never going to be anyone that will enjoy that Champion 800 set any more then you will. Go for it!<br><br>And anyway, I don't think the ALL ABOARD 600 and 800 sets are all that rare new in the box. I saw some at York last fall, and there are two posted right now on eBay, in the boxes!

Message 88

From: belairchevy
Date: Tue Jun 12, 2001 11:09 pm
Subject: Snow Mountains

Karl...Thanks for the great pictures. Guess I will try and paint some regular mountains to look like snow. By the way, where did you get the color version of the All Aboard film?....Brad

Message 87

From: belairchevy
Date: Tue Jun 12, 2001 11:02 pm
Subject: Champion 800 has arrived!

Group....My new Champion 800 arrived yesterday. This thing has truly never been run. So what do you guys think...should I run it?......Brad

Message 86

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon Jun 11, 2001 7:39 pm
Subject: Re: Chuck...It's One Month Old

Karl, It seems like it has been longer than a month, it has been great fun. A special welcome to the 25th member, traincity1. Thanks to everyone who has joined. Please post to the group and tell us about your All Aboard activities, whether you are personally in to it, or dealing in All Aboard related products. We are interested! I know I would be real interested in purchasing the L shaped house that legend says came with the early whistle panels! :-) I would settle for a crossover panel though. Just recently missed getting two of them. A day late! Darn! Chuck

Message 85

From: frilen2
Date: Mon Jun 11, 2001 7:07 pm
Subject: Chuck...It's One Month Old

Hey Chuck Congratulations, The All Aboard Sets Club is 1 month old and 25 members strong.... A great start for a small but loyal group... Thanx again for starting this Club site...Karl

Message 84

From: frilen2
Date: Sun Jun 10, 2001 12:00 am
Subject: Snow panel Mountain Pieces

Hi Brad The photos of the Snow panel mountain pieces are posted...Karl

Message 83

From: frilen2
Date: Sat Jun 9, 2001 11:12 pm
Subject: Re: Thoughts on L house construction

I went back thru a copy of the All Aboard promo video. In one of the closing scenes just before they cut to the set boxes is another shot of the "L" house's back wall. Brad, your estimate of how they kitbashed that wall makes perfect sense. I posted a copy, in the all aboard house album, shot from the TV screen using a digital camera. The quality's not too sharp but you clearly can see how this wall is arranged. The trellis being a billboard portion or the large window as lattice would work very well.

Message 82

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat Jun 9, 2001 10:39 am
Subject: Thoughts on L house construction

It looks to me like the PV 1701 rear house wall was cut somewhere in the area of the big rectangler window, leaving a portion of the window 2 squares wide and four squares high to replace the original 4 high by 6 wide larger window. We have also been looking at the trellis at the side of the porch. My wife thinks it may have been made by using one of these large 4 by 6 square windows. She had an even better idea though, which is to cut up a couple of All Aboard billboards, salvaging the lattice looking stuff from them in order to make a trellis. I like this idea a lot, it would make a nice looking one... The billboards are cheap from Hobby surplus, so cutting them up does not seem to distasteful. I still don't know how to recreate the chimney. Again, the one on he 1701 is wrong... Brad's picture of the TV commercial confirms to me, where to get the garage door though! These are being sold by Hobby Surplus as well.

Message 81

From: frilen2
Date: Sat Jun 9, 2001 9:27 am
Subject: Re: A 4th Type of All Aboard house???

Chuck & Brad I think you both have found the photos that we need. Great!!!!!!!!!...Karl

Message 80

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat Jun 9, 2001 8:46 am
Subject: 4th All Aboard House

If you go to the TV Commercial section of my website, one of the pictures shows part of the garage on the "L" house. Seems to me like the "L" is a combination of the colonial and the 1701. Maybe we should have a contest to see who can come up with an "L" first! Don't they have an A.C. Gilbert day once a year at the old factory in New Haven? Any of you guys ever go there? Is it possible some of the old Gilbert employees could shed some light on our questions. Just a thought. Off to work on the real trains now.......Brad

Messages 79

From: portlines
Date: Sat Jun 9, 2001 5:36 am
Subject: Re: BALINT

I know nothing of him.....only the references in Greenberg. Doug Peck Port Lines Hobby Supplies 6 Storeybrooke Drive Newburyport, MA 01950-3408 Shop hours: Weekday evenings: 7 PM - 9:30 PM EST 978-465-8798<br>1-888-708-0782 (Toll-free; Orders only, please).

Message 78

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jun 8, 2001 9:56 pm
Subject: A 4th Type of All Aboard house???

I just uploaded a new photo to the All Aboard Houses section. It is a blowup from the 1965 catalog cover from Brad's site. I always thought this house was the L shaped house. But it has a garage, and if it is the L shaped house, it is the side of the house we have not seen, furthermore, it is nothing like the Plasticville 1701 house on this side. Note the garage door, etc. Am I going crazy or what?

Message 77

From: gilbertflyer2000
Date: Fri Jun 8, 2001 7:15 pm
Subject: Scenery for the mods'

I'll leave just a quick note. If anybody is looking for the original, gray bridge, street signs, fence, white billboards, or the original ranch house, they can be found at hobby surplus. I order some of them and they are the originals. If you want to contact them the address is 187 main st. P.O. box 2170, New Britain, CT. 06050-2170. Also 1-800-233-0872, or I didn't Know if anybody else knew about this place, so I'm just passing this information along if it will help anybody.

Message 76

From: frilen2
Date: Thu Jun 7, 2001 9:17 pm
Subject: Still on the trail of the

Hi All In the Greenbergs Guide to American Flyer Vol II, Under their #26122 Whistle panel description, there is an intesting reference on page 102 to the collection of a W. Balint. Does anyone know a W.Balint? If I'm reading this reference right, they may be able to shed further info on the elusive "L" shaped house. Ive gone thru members lists for NASG, AFCC, and an old NMRA directory with no results. I Know that Doug Peck had been extremely helpful in providing info, and AF Trains to Joe Deger in writing this book. Hey Doug, any info on a W. Balint? Thanx as always...Karl P.S. I am now the proud owner of a set of Winter wonderland panels...They are in sad shape, but are originals

Message 75

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon Jun 4, 2001 11:41 pm
Subject: Re: Snow Panel Pictures Preview

It felt a lot cooler down here in Florida tonight while I was looking at your snow pictures! Very nice! Too bad snow panels are so rare. They would be great for use at Christmas, etc...

Message 74

From: belairchevy
Date: Mon Jun 4, 2001 8:24 pm
Subject: Snow Panel Pictures Preview

A preview of My Snow Panel Pictures Page is linked below. This will be added to my website. Includes pictures posted in the club any many others: 

Message 73

From: belairchevy
Date: Mon Jun 4, 2001 7:33 pm
Subject: Pufferbellys

Pufferbellys has All Aboard items listed at:  you can call Bill at 1-254-756-1518

Message 72

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat Jun 2, 2001 9:21 pm
Subject: A New Champion 800 set!

Just purchased a new Champion 800 set. It's never been run but box was opened to verify contents. Has the ranch house and colonial (sorry no "L") hooker tank and yellow caboose. It should arrive next week. Looking forward to this one!...Brad

Message 71

From: frilen2
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 5:52 pm
Subject: Re: PV 1701 More Information

Hi Brad Mike Cedro's Guide shows the AF houses on pages 94 & 95. He has them listed as Connecticut Hobbies/American Flyer. Two Story House. Walls are medium Tan with either Turquoise or Blue roof and windows. Prices range from $20 to $55. Under Small Ranch House he lists that all walls are white then indicates variations between combinations of Red Green and Blue Roof and Trim. Prices are again $20 to $55. In Emails to Mike he was not aware of the Barn or "L" house. I sent him my info and he sees the kitbashed PV theory resemblance. There is a Plastiville Yahoo Group that he posts to on a regular basis. He also publishes a Quarterly Magazine..."Plastic Village Gazette" He has been looking for more info on the American Flyer House for an upcoming article. I pointed him to the Vince Amato Story at the Hobby Surplus Sales Website, and to your All Aboard Website. Hope that helps...Karl

Message 70

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 7:35 am
Subject: Re: PV 1701 More Information

Karl....Does your Plasticville information list the standard Ranch or Colonial houses for All Aboard?.....Brad

Message 69

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 7:30 am
Subject: Kitbashing the 1701

I think that Gilbert probably kitbashed 2 and perhaps 3 houses in order to make the L shaped house. The problem is the chimney! The simple way to make a repro of this house, will be to buy a second house, and take the complete end panel from it, and cut it up and install at the end of the house where the chimney is. Then, on the outside of it, add a new chimney that is completely formed. Note that the chimney on the 1701 house is incomplete. Also, the chimney on the 1701 is too straight, and too short. The chimney in the catalog photos is wider at the bottom and tapers. I suggest we need to look at other Plasticville houses, and see if we can figure out where Gilbert, and where we can steal a chimney!

Message 68

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 7:09 am
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Karl, Now I am more sure than ever, that the pictures in the Gilbert catalog were a kitbashed version of this house. Look at picture #2 of the All Aboard house pictures. This is the view that shows the end of the house with the 3rd window near the peak. Look closely, and notice that the window partially overlaps the vent, the same vent that I see in the 1701 house! And yes, the new pictures show why the porch posts went away. So that the house could slide forward so that the back end worked. Then, they added the trellis, but it does not come as far forward to the front of the house. I notice another problem, that could be the reason Gilbert did not stick with this house long in production. The front mounting hole of the whistle comes too close to the front wall of the house on the porch. In fact on the new pictures, the whistle would be partially on the porch, without sliding the house way forward. These latest pictures have me excited! Seeing the window overlapping the roof vent at the end of the house seals it for me! What do you think? Chuck

Message 67

From: frilen2
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 7:05 am
Subject: PV 1701More Information

Just for the record Plasticville marketed the PV 1701 New England Ranch House at various times with different item numbers. (And we thought AF's numbering system could be confusing)  Mike Cedro's Plastic Village Gazette priceguide (page 12) lists this house as MH-2, 1701, 1808, 1912, 1986 (Scenic Classic?), and 5701 (bagged?) Wall colors are either White or Tan. Roof colors are Red, Gray, Turquoise, Brown, Black, or Dark Gray. Window trim is Brown, Turquoise, Red, green Blue, Yellow or Cream. The price range (depending on condition and colors) goes from $12 to as high as $95 for a mint boxed Tan Walls Brown roof Brown trim model. Happy hunting...Karl

Message 66

From: frilen2
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 6:46 am
Subject: Re: PV #1701

OK Chuck The pictures you requested are posted. That's the PV 1701 I purchased. It's not kitbashed only partially assembled for the photos. I taped in the one small end wall piece to fill out the right hand wall. As pointed out in a previous message there is a fit problem at the right rear corner. Once the front columns are removed this may allow the building to shift forward a bit. Hope that helps...Comments? Also the back wall of the 1701 is the same as you had pictured for the other Ranch House you bought. We need to figure out the best spot to cut to kitbash. Enjoy...Karl

Message 65

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu May 31, 2001 9:33 pm
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Could someone possibly post a picture of the 1701 house sitting on the All Aboard panel? I have no idea when I going to be able to get the one I bought on eBay. Thanks, Chuck

Message 64

From: david_garber2000
Date: Thu May 31, 2001 3:33 pm
Subject: Re: PV #1701

I posted a message about the 1701 9:30 edt today, it must have gotten lost. I will re list if it is lost. In reply to this message. I do not doubt that the picture of the L house and pv house that we have are the same family. It is just that the 1701 that I have will not properly fit on the Whistle Panel but the colonial house will. I question if the 26122 came as is pictured or came with the colonial as described in the write up. Dave Garber

Message 63

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu May 31, 2001 8:16 am
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Karl, If you look closely at the my composite picture, you will see the holes below the windows on the porch of the L shaped house where I assume the porch floor plugs in. This is apparent in both the your Plasticville 1701 house and the Gilbert L house photos. Does anyone here still doubt that the mysterious L shaped house was in fact Plasticville?

Message 62

From: fkopetz2000
Date: Wed May 30, 2001 4:55 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard Consist Variations

I have seen some interesting variations, too. I currently have a Pioneer 600 set that came with the Erie CJ engine, Shell tank car, Bethlehem Steel gondola, and red common AFL caboose. As a child I had a Champion 800 set that came almost exactly as pictured on the 800 set box. It had the PRR 21107 Atlantic, the Hooker chemical tank, Monon gondola, Santa Fe hopper, and yellow and silver "Radio Equipped" AFL caboose. I am hoping to buy as set like that this summer, preferably in the box.  Regards, and hope this helps in cataloguing AA set variations, F. P. Kopetz

Message 61

From: belairchevy
Date: Wed May 30, 2001 3:13 pm
Subject: Re: Snow Panel pictures added

Chuck......The hedges are Dept. 56
Village Flexible Sisal Hedge (Set of 3). I cut them to desired length with diagonal cutters as they come in approx. one foot lengths. The "Christmas Store" I got the stuff from had other items that looked like they would work with the panels. Lots of pine trees and things from autumn to use with the Dept 56 Halloween series. There is also a set of small pine trees that light up that are just the right size but have wires running between them. Have not figured that one out yet. I found some Noch and Woodland Scenic trees at the hobby shop that would adapt nicely to the regular panels......Brad

Message 60

From: myflyertrains
Date: Tue May 29, 2001 9:38 pm
Subject: Plasticville 1912-200 house vs 1701...

Take a look at this auction I won today. It is another version of the Plasticville house, this one a 1912-200. It looks about the same s the 1701, except it has a garage molded into the back wall at about the spot of the wall that would not exist in L shaped All Aboard house.\&t=0&showTutorial=0&ed=991187353&indexURL=0&rd=1 

Message 59

From: myflyertrains
Date: Tue May 29, 2001 9:34 pm
Subject: Re: Snow Panel pictures added

Brad, Pretty neat! What are the hedges that you have in place of the picket fences? They look really good! Chuck...

Message 58

From: frilen2
Date: Mon May 28, 2001 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: Snow Panel pictures added


Hi Brad The new snow panel pictures are great...the Christmas trees are a neat addition and really showcase what can be done to update All Aboard sets with more modern materials without changing the original panels. I really like the look of the modified street lights. They add to the overall effect. They appear closer to an earlier steam era than the original light poles represent. Neat Work...Karl

Message 57

From: belairchevy
Date: Sun May 27, 2001 4:43 pm
Subject: Snow Panel pictures added

Hi all! Just added two pictures of Department 56 snow covered trees and hedge modified for use on my Winter Wonderland Set. These trees are a little larger than the originals but look much better. All I did to modify them was remove the ceramic base, put masking tape around the wire at the bottom to form a trunk that would fit the holes in the panels, and then paint the trunk brown. Pretty easy project. Let me know what you think. .(be nice) ..Brad

Message 56

From: frilen2
Date: Fri May 25, 2001 4:32 pm
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Hi Brad There is a Dick Rishelam from Greenbay Wisconsin that is into American Flyer. I bought some really great set boxes from him thru Ebay...I've sent him an email regarding the Whistle Panel house. Let's see if that lead turns up something new. Thank you...Karl

Message 55

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri May 25, 2001 10:38 am
Subject: In Search of the Holy Grail of AB houses

Karl, I hope someone responds with another picture. I keep looking all over eBay at plastic houses. I have long believed that if you can't buy it on eBay, that it doesn't exist! And as I have said, in this case, I am not sure it does exist.  Later, Chuck

Message 54

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri May 25, 2001 9:40 am
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Chuck, I really believe the "L" house does exist but it's even harder to find than the snow panels. The guy that sold the Pioneer 600 on ebay last summer that had one went by the name of RISHELAM. Purchased several items from him and talked to him on the phone. I have no doubt that was what was in this set although I did not see it. You know it took me a little over 5 years to get a set of snow panels with no accessories. The "L" house will turn up eventually. By the way I'm working on adapting snow covered trees from Dept. 56 to my snow panels. Will post some pictures when I get it done.

Message 53

From: frilen2
Date: Fri May 25, 2001 2:24 am
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Hi Chuck First of all good luck with your ebay seller, hope it's just a temporary problem... Second a pix of the real thing would be great. I think a post to S-Trains is in order, as well as a plug for this club-site...Karl

Message 52

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu May 24, 2001 9:52 pm
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Well, the first problem with me kitbashing a Plasticville house, is I have to get the house. I can not get the person who I won the 1701 house from on eBay to answer my emails. It has been 3 days now. Regarding a picture of the back side of the L house, how do you propose we get that. I am really starting to wonder if the L house was ever actually in production, or just something that was done up for the catalog photos. No one can produce one, or even a photo of one, other than the scans of the 65 catalog. I know Brad said he saw one in an eBay auction last year, but that could have been a Plasticville one as well. I would just like to hear from someone who has actually seen this piece in their own eyes, and hopefully get a recent photo of the piece.

Message 51

From: frilen2
Date: Thu May 24, 2001 4:19 pm
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Hi Chuck Your we need the picture of the back side of the "L" house. Then your kitbashed project will be relatively simple....and we can stop playing Sherlock Holmes or should that be spelled..."S"herlock Homes...

Message 50

From: myflyertrains
Date: Thu May 24, 2001 6:30 am
Subject: Re: PV #1701

Karl, I had noticed the round vent before. You can see it in the composite picture I made that shows both houses in the same photo. But, even more important, your pictures confirm something I thought I had seen before. Look at the downspout next to the porch. It is there because of the rain gutter that runs across the eves of the porch. The downspout exists on the L shaped houses, even though the eve rain gutter across the porch is gone!

Message 49

Hi All  New pix are posted of the Plasticville #1701 details...please check them out. Comments, speculations, theories, are all welcome. Any more pictures of an actual American Flyer "L" floor plan/Whistle panel house would really be appreciated. Thanx...Karl

Message 48

From: frilen2
Date: Wed May 23, 2001 9:44 pm
Subject: Re: Plasticville #1701 House

Hi Chuck<br>Yes I received my Plasticville #1701 at the end of last week. It only strengthens my theory about the "L" house having a Plasticville orgin. As you reminded us A.C.Gilbert had a relationship with Bachmann Bros. Not only the large trees, but don't forget the #590 Control Tower from '55-'56.  Do you have access to a 1965 catalog (x165-12 rev)? The photos that I posted were scans from this book. The scan resolution unfortunately fails to show two interesting details. When you receive your #1701, you will see a round louvered vent on the wall panels just below the peaks of each roof gable (front and left side). The catalog photo's of the AF "L" house clearly show this small round vents in the same location. With the PV #1701 there is a molded front porche floor, which bring the floor level right up to the height of the front door threshold. the AF house looks like this floor panel was left off, giving you a very high step up into the door. Take a look, see if you agree... I'm going to try to re-shoot these pix for better resolution. Also the catalog gives views of the front, left and right sides...Does anyone know of a picture of the back wall of the "L" house. You'll find that there are insert windows on those three sides of the PV house, but molded windows on the back side. What does that side of the AF house look like? You'll need that for a kitbash project... Best of luck...Karl

Message 47

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed May 23, 2001 8:44 am
Subject: 600 Set on eBay

Another new All Aboard Set... 

Message 46

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed May 23, 2001 5:55 am
Subject: Plasticville #1701 House

Well I finally won my first eBay auction for a Plasticville 1701 house. I hope to purchase a second and will use the two houses to hopefully kitbash a L shaped whistle panel house reproduction. Karl, did you ever get the house you won? Chuck PS: The last message I posted here actually got emailed to everyone within a couple of minutes of the time I posted it. Amazing, considering email was taking up to 24 hours last week!

Message 45

From: myflyertrains
Date: Wed May 23, 2001 5:42 am
Subject: Champion 8 Panel set on eBay

8 panel set for bid, 4 curves, 2 straight, 2 switch panels. Includes worn box... enjoy, Chuck

Message 44

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sun May 20, 2001 9:40 pm
Subject: Another 6 panel set for sale on eBay...

Another 6 panel set with some trees and mountains. 

Message 43

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sun May 20, 2001 2:30 pm
Because of problems club members are having with slow message forwarding, I have created a companion Yahoo Group, All-Aboard-Sets. This is a similar method that Paul Yorke uses on the S-Trains list, and I did not realize when I set up the All Aboard Sets Club, that I would need both a YAHOO CLUB and a YAHOO GROUP in order to get things running smoothly. With the group, you simply subscribe and then email the list. The addresses needed are below... Group Email Addresses  Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: Simply email to one of the above addresses to accomplish the proper task. The first thing to do is subscribe! If you are a little confused, you are not alone! Thanks for your patience! Chuck Harrington

Message 42

From: david_garber2000
Date: Sun May 20, 2001 12:05 pm
Subject: Re: Yahoo Clubs Problems!!!

chuck: you are 100% correct about the time delay with the posting. this is why I posted twice about the same subject with the same information.

Message 41

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sun May 20, 2001 8:57 am
Subject: Yahoo Clubs Problems!!!

If you are getting these All Aboard Club messages by email, not that it appears there may be a 24 hour delay (or longer) before a posted message actually gets forwarded to you! I am not very happy about the Yahoo Clubs is working. Also, note that the most recent messages do not show on the Home Page. At the moment, you have to click on the ALL messages button by the upper right hand corner to see 5 messages, 4 of them from yesterday, that do not show on the Club's opening page at the time I write this, and also have not been forwarded to me by email yet. This may be why Paul Yorke uses a combination of Yahoo Clubs and Yahoo Groups for S-Trains. We may have to look at this further! Thanks, Chuck

Message 40

From: frilen2
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 10:21 pm
Subject: Re: Houses & Barn in eBay auction

Hi Chuck These look to me like repackaged houses from Hobby Surplus Sales. I've added their link to the All Aboard Clubs's the story behind Vince Amato buying up American Flyer parts and plastic at AF's demise. Neat reading, I thought that other Club members would be interested if they hadn't seen this before. By the way you can still buy NOS Ranch Houses from Hobby Surplus Sales...I think that they were still $9.95 in their last catalog. Enjoy...Karl

Message 39

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 9:59 pm
Subject: Re: Posting directly from email

Dave, I have not figured out any way to do it. I have tried a lot! Anyone know how? Thanks, Chuck

Message 38

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 9:51 pm
Subject: Pioneer 600 set Auction on eBay

Here is another one... 

Message 37

Same as Message 36

Message 36

From: david_garber2000
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 12:22 pm
Subject: House and barn eBay

The items are probably original AF. Look at the tag and it looks like these are repackaged items sold by Amatos in new Britain, CT. AKA hobby suplus sales. They still have some original items listed in their catalogue. I think Paul Yorke has the web site in his links and/or parts supply list. Chuck, what address do I use to post a message to this site from my mail box without logging onto the Yahoo club site? Talk to you Sunday night, Dave Garber

Message 35

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 10:15 am
Subject: Houses & Barn in eBay auction

I found the following auction while looking for the L shaped house. They say original packaging, but did Gilbert use BAR CODES like on the picture of the barn

Message 34

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 7:59 am
Subject: Re: Panel parts, etc.

In searching Doug's used equipment list at his
web site, I found the following item: 20811 ALL ABOARD 6-PANEL SET; Complete!; With 21107-24329-24225-24127-24636; PM; VG+ to EX $175.00 There is a link to Portlines under "Our Pages | Links" to the left of your browser window.

Message 33

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 7:46 am
Subject: New - All Aboard Panels & Houses on eBay

Another set of All Aboard stuff on eBay... 

Message 32

From: portlines
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 7:39 am
Subject: Panel parts, etc.

Well-- We've finally got around to getting our Equipment Sales List posted on our website!!!! A long time coming, but it's there.........and it gets updated and expanded several times each week. We have a TON (probably literally!) of equipment to be added to the list as we process it....just need the time to do so....... so that's why it expands and changes every 3-4 nights, along with deleting sold items. So we encourage you to check it out with regularity. If you have trouble accessing it, let us know. We tried several different methods which didn't work for everyone. So far, this one seems OK. Next project, this summer, is our Parts Catalog on-line!!!! We ALSO have the new AF Conversion Can Motors added to the website, including photos. They are slick units, require no drilling, and no permanent modification to your engines. They're installed in minutes! These units are available through S-n-S (the manufacturer), or through us, at the same price. Any dealer inquiries about these units should be directed to Port Lines. Doug Peck Port Lines Hobby Supplies 6 Storeybrooke Drive Newburyport, MA 01950-3408 Shop hours: Weekday evenings: 7 PM - 9:30 PM EST 978-465-8798 1-888-708-0782 (Toll-free; Orders only,

Message 31

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 19, 2001 6:33 am
Subject: Re: Snow Panel Pics

Wow! This is the first time I have seen any pictures with the snow panels set up. Pretty neat. Gabe looks great. I am still waiting for mine to come. These snow panels are of course hard to find. I saw some go on eBay for very high $ a while back. Does Portlines have very much All Aboard stuff? It would be nice here to find a place in the club to list All Aboard stuff that is a available for purchase, with prices, and where to go to get it. This stuff is so hard to come by at times!
Message 30

From: belairchevy
Date: Fri May 18, 2001 10:11 pm
Subject: Snow Panel Pics

Group, Just posted a couple of pictures of snow panels. Got these recently from Doug at Portlines. Gave them a good cleaning, added regular scenery and an MTH "Gabe The Lamplighter" and we are ready to railroad !If you have not seen a snow panel they are the regular panels painted white with a sparkle in the paint to simulate snow. The roads are a flat black with patches of snow on them. The correct scenery will have snow on the house roofs and trees. This is a nice set for under the Christmas Tree. Links to the 


Message 29

From: belairchevy
Date: Tue May 15, 2001 8:35 pm
Subject: Large Trees (The big ugly ones)

I posted a couple of pictures of what I call the "Big Ugly" trees that you had to assemble for use on the panels. These are Plasticville current production. Same as what came with All Aboard except the green trees have a brown trunk. For variety or even on the snow panels you could try the Autumn trees. You will have to add a piece to the bottom of the trunk if you want it to mount in the scenery hole. The Plasticville numbers are 49001 and 49002, they come three trees to a box.

Message 28

From: belairchevy
Date: Tue May 15, 2001 5:00 pm
Subject: Gargraves and Houses

Great pictures guys! The application of the Gargraves and Plasticville to the scenic panels is a neat idea. I was looking at the picture of the ranch style house and with that kind of a roof the bottom part of the house would have to be different than the ranch houses you usually see. They must have used some mock ups or some kind of pre-production models for those pictures. We know the "L" house exists but how about the different ranch style and the house with the upper story window? Notice in the picture also that some of the billboard stickers are ads other than Erector, Auto-Rama, or All Aboard. These are available through Joes Train Repair. Brad

Message 27

From: myflyertrains
Date: Tue May 15, 2001 7:49 am
Subject: Gargraves on AB Panels - Photos uploaded

Discover the Photos section of the club, at the left of your browser window under Our Pages, click on Photos. I have uploaded a few pictures of my All Aboard layout that uses Gargraves Track and Switches. Note: Gargraves switches do NOT work with AF engines that have hot shoes!

Message 26

From: frilen2
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 10:21 pm
Subject: Re: Whistle Panel House vs Plasticville!

OK Chuck If you check the PHOTOS page there are additional shots of the Whistle Panel "L" shaped house blown up from the '65 Catalog pictures. You can see the added window and "trellis". In the last photo you will also see a ranch house with a shallow pitched gabled roof not the hip roof design that's so familiar. Food for thought...  Sorry for the grainy photos, scanning and enlarging loses some resolution. Enjoy...Karl

Message 25

From: frilen2
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 9:30 pm
Subject: Re: Whistle Panel House vs Plasticville!

Hi Chuck Neat Work...The picture looks great The AF House if kitbashed also has the columns removed and (if you look carefully) there is a trellis like panel at the end of the porch. I have a '65 Catalog (X165-12 Rev) that has shows this house from different angles on 2 pages. There appears to be a 3rd window placed in the 2nd story of the full end wall. I'll try to scan these in as jpeg files. Karl
Message 24

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 9:17 pm
Subject: Whistle Panel House vs Plasticville!
OK, I blew up the picture from the whistle panel house on Brad's web site, and put a picture of the plasticville 1701 house next to it. They are not exactly facing the same direction, but you have to admit the similarity is somewhat convincing!

Message 23

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 8:17 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard Houses

Brad & Karl, My understanding is that at least the larger trees in the AB sets were made by Plasticville, and in fact are still available today. So what if Gilbert, having already a relationship with the Plasticville folks, had them make some houses for the whistle panel, and later substituted their own house. I have spent a lot of time looking at the house that Karl bought in eBay pictures. A better view of the house can be seen in the eBay auction It seems to me that if you take out the little extension at the right side, the houses are too similar to be just an accident. Either Gilbert copied the Plasticville design, or had Plasticville make the house in question. Or maybe when they made the house, the Plasticville people objected that the house looked too much like their house, and Gilbert dropped the house in favor of the other. It also seems to me that a guy could but 2 of these houses. You need the larger end panel to cover the spot where the room addition was. It would take a little splicing / kit bashing, but after your done, you are going to repaint it in the AF colors anyway. The auction above has the pieces all layed out in the photo where you can see them. What do you think...

Message 22

From: frilen2
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 7:51 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard Houses

Hi Brad Thanx for the posting the link to Hobby Surplus Sales and Vince Amato's story, This link and the link to your own website probably should be made part of this clubs website. Mr Amato's story originally appeared in in either SGaugian Magazine or The Collector magazine of the AFCC. It really is a great story of someone being in the right spot at the right time and having the insight to recognize it. Too bad that he wasn't able to buy all of American Flyer, ...Hi Rail History would be considerably different. I had not heard of any connection of the elusive "L" shaped house and the early '65 Pioneer 600 sets before, that sounds like a route to explore further.

Message 21

From: belairchevy
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard Houses

The "L" shaped house that was on the whistle panel is a hard one to find. From what I have been able to determine it was included in some of the early1965 Pioneer 600 sets and some of the whistle panels. I know of one that was included in a set sold on ebay last year. For some interesting reading on All Aboard Parts and Hobby Surplus go to:  In the article Vincent Amato talks about using the original molds to make roofs for the surplus All Aboard Houses. From that I gather that Gilbert may have molded the houses themselves. Another possibility would be the Marvin Glass Co. who designed and molded the panels. There is a Marvin Glass Co. website but makes no mention of All Aboard or the James Bond Scenic Panel Road Race Sets.

Message 20

From: belairchevy
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 4:34 pm
Subject: Re: eBay Westerner Set Auction

Chuck, Yes, this is the opened set that is pictured. Have not opened the others. One thing to note here is all of the pine trees are the same size. 


Message 19

From: myflyertrains
Date: Mon May 14, 2001 10:32 am
Subject: Re: eBay Westerner Set Auction - Brad, Is this box of Westerner Accessories, the accessories that are pictured on you web site, with the houses with the unusal colors? 


Message 18

From: frilen2
Date: Sun May 13, 2001 11:01 pm
Subject: Re: Welcome to All That have joined!
First, Hi to all. I'm an American Flyer collector (have been since the ripe old age of 3 months) I started collecting the All Aboard sets about 4 years ago when my interest in AF was rekindled. I have 3 sets (2 Pioneer, 1 Westerner needing help). One of the Pioneer sets was wholesaled out thru Lionel in 1968 after Gilberts demise. As Chuck mentioned in his Welcome message, he started this Yahoo Club after we had exchanged Emails regarding a posted that I had left on the Plasticville Group page. I was seeking information on a Plasticville New England Ranch House #1701 that looked to me to be extremely similar to the elusive whistle panel house shown on the box cover of a 26122 panel or in Gilbert's various catalogs. I had just picked up one of the Plasticville houses on ebay See auction #5879533397. My posting was asking if the PV house could be built without a room addition just behind the chimney. (It can't without kitbashing) Mike Cedro of the Plastic village Gazette initially replyed to my original posting that the AF houses were smaller than Plasticville. However he was only familiar wth the two other AF houses, the Ranch and Colonial. After sending him a couple of JPEG photos of the Whistle Panel House he did feel that it could very well be a kitbashed plasticville item, that Gilbert used for the photos, Pre production. OK, bottom line, has anyone seen or better yet owned one of these Whistle Panel Houses, The one on the box photo/in the catalogs, 1 1/2 story, L shaped floor plan, etc.... I've been looking for more years than I'd care to admit to. Have I been looking in the wrong spot? Does the Plasticville theory hold water? Thanx in advance for any info, advice, etc... If nothing else it should generate some discussion....sorry if I rambled a bit. Karl

Message 17

From: belairchevy
Date: Sun May 13, 2001 8:41 pm
Subject: Re: eBay Westerner Set Auction - Interes

I purchased three of these last summer. One was opened, two are still sealed. The boxes are all marked set #3. The box also has the AF coding on it. These were included with the Westerner 1200 sets and contain all the scenic items for 12 panels including the barn and the bumper for the siding. My set had 12 of the put together trees and all of the houses are different colors. I suspect they probably came from Hobby Surplus who purchased much of the Flyer parts when Gilbert folded.

Message 16

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sun May 13, 2001 7:21 pm
Subject: eBay Westerner Set Auction - Interesting

No trains or panels, but all the accessories sealed in a brown box. Is this the correct packaging? Did they come this way? </a>

Message 15

From: portlines
Date: Sun May 13, 2001 6:11 am
Subject: All Aboard Panel parts


Early notice--- We have just TENTATIVELY arranged to have some of the elusive panel parts reproduced. I say "tentatively" because the final decision waits on seeing the first samples. We are planning to do streetlights, stop signs, and the long picket fence initially. Stay tuned! Doug Peck Port Lines Hobby Supplies 6 Storeybrooke Drive Newburyport, MA 01950-3408 Shop hours: Weekday evenings: 7 PM - 9:30 PM EST 978-465-8798<br>1-888-708-0782
(Toll-free; Orders only, please).

Message 14

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 10:37 pm
Subject: All Aboard Consist Variations

From what I have been able to determine trying to collect All Aboard, the cars that went into a set were determined by what they had made up at the factory. I have seen numerous sets that did not have what is shown in the various collectors guides or the AF catalogs. The variation of the Pioneer 600 in my collection has the 24076 UP Stock Car and the Monon gondola. Exact set I had as a kid complete with all the scenery and even the brown wrapping paper!

Message 13

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 9:57 pm
Subject: Re: Dave Garber' Pioneer Set

Joe, I am definitely  envious of this purchase! It certainly came with a good collection of rolling stock, not to mention the 21107, which beats the heck out of the 21085! 


Message 12

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 9:52 pm
Subject: All Aboard eBay auctions!

I found the following two All Aboard panel
auctions on eBay. 

Enjoy, Chuck

Message 11

From: joestrainrepair
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 9:48 pm
Subject: Re: Dave Garber' Pioneer Set

Dave, I just picked up a Champion 800 at York. It is box (although the box is deteriorating), in like new condition, with almost everthing there. The only missing pieces are 2 of the put-together trees, the colonial house (I got only the roof and chimney and porch roof, but I purchased several extras several years ago from Hobby Surplus), 12 of the track pins, 4 of the track locks, 1 small tree, 3 stop signs, annd the 2 billboards and 2 foot bridges (I think I have all of the missing pieces). I think I got mine for a good price, as I only paid $170 for it.While we are at it, has anyone tried to catalog the variations in the train in this set. Mine has pieces from both 1965 and 1966, plus 2 other pieces. Mine came with: 21107 PRR AFL 4-4-2 Atlantic with smoke and choo choo (1966) 24316 Mobilgas tank car (1966) 24225 SF hopper car (1965) 24569 Industrial Brownhoist crane car 24631 AFL Radio Equipped yellow unlighted caboose. Joe

Message 10

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 9:47 pm
Subject: Welcome to All That have joined!

Hello everyone. I started this Yahoo club a couple of days ago, after exchanging email with KARL, whose messages about All Aboard houses I found in the Plasticville club. I realized that there are a hand full of us that are quite interested in All Aboard sets, and whose discussions while enjoyable for us, would bore the majority of the S-List folks to tears. I want to talk about All Aboard sets. I want to share information about where to purchase All Aboard related stuff, and how to get more enjoyment out of it. As long as it is somewhat relevant and very friendly, I think we can share it with each other. I plan to let you know when I see All Aboard stuff for sale on eBay and elsewhere, and if I miss something, I hope you will post the links for everyone to find the stuff. Even when I am not buying, I like to see who is buying, and what it is going for. Now that I have purchased 39 panels in the last several months, I am less interested in panels, but sure would like to find the elusive original house that goes with the whistle panel, etc. WANTED, CHEAP CROSSOVER PANEL :-) I have plans to do an All Aboard kitbashing web site in the near future, and I think you will be amazed at some of the ideas I am eager to try. If it is All Aboard, or Pike Master related (that is what your supposed to be running on your All Aboard set, right?), lets discuss it. Anyway, welcome again, and lets get some discussion going!

Chuck Harrington

Message 9

Same as Message 8

Message 8

From: myflyertrains
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 9:25 pm
Subject: Re: My All Aboard Website

Let me say that this, < is THE Web Site for All Aboard fans. I have been using it as the open page for my Internet browser for the last couple of months. It is really good to have you in here with us Brad. Thanks, Chuck

Message 7

From: belairchevy
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 3:08 pm
Subject: My All Aboard Website

Please check out my All Aboard website at  lt was started a couple of years ago with the help of Paul Yorke as there was nothing available about All Aboard on the web. My interest in All Aboard goes back to 1965 when my brother and I got a Pioneer 600 for Christmas. Several years ago I set out to replace the set we had as kids. That search eventually turned into about 75 panels and a website! If anyone has pictures or information or corrections on the material already on the website please email me at

Message 6

From: david_garber2000
Date: Sat May 12, 2001 8:03 am
Subject: web site

check this out it may have some interesting information depending on your background. It is at least a good reference. It would be good if down the road we< could get a chat time set up .have a good weekend. ck. out if a problem my other email is

Message 5

From: judgeatkck
Date: Fri May 11, 2001 8:45 pm
Subject: All Aboard Panels for 1965

Forwarded on this information to my brother in Colorado Springs. He was born in 1962 and his first memory of trains, was an expanded set of all aboard panels on our parents dining room table. He now collects pikemaster era rolling stock as well as panels.

Message 4

From: david_garber2000
Date: Fri May 11, 2001 12:26 pm
Subject: Re: test message

Great idea .The numbers may not be large but the group may be very interesting and close. I just picked up the Champion set last week

Message 3

From: myflyertrains
Date: Fri May 11, 2001 10:26 am
Subject: test message

This is only a test.

Message 2

From: frilen2
Date: Thu May 10, 2001 10:27 pm
Subject: Re: All Aboard Sets

Hi Chuck This is a great idea. I'm sure that there are a quite a few American Flyer Train collectors that are fans of the All Aboard sets manufactured from 1964 thru 1966.Thanx for the invitation...Karl

Message 1

From: myflyertrains
Date: (Date Unavailable)

Welcome to the Yahoo! Message Board for All Aboard Sets